Looking for activities for your children this March Break? No worries we have lots of fun things happening everyday from Monday – Friday, March 10 -14. No previous experience necessary, all ages welcome, boys and girls 🙂
Accepting registrations for MARCH BREAK DANCE CAMPÂ (March 10 -14). Please call early to book your spot.
Offering classes in; Creative Movement, Ballet, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop, Kids Yoga, Story Telling (Ballet History), Arts & Crafts, 1 outing to the park (weather permitting), Games and more…
Mini: 3-6 y.olds     Junior: 7-10 y.olds    Senior: 11+
Half Day: 9am – 12pm      Full Day: 9am – 4pm  (early drop off / late pick up available)
send us an e-mail to: info@beachdanceschool.com