Welcome to all returning and new students and families….  We had a busy summer in July and August with our first Summer School – Dance Camp at our new location. Students had the opportunity to learn new dance styles and make new friends. We had both Half day and Full day camps during 2 months of summer. Due to the extreme hot weather this year BDS installed (central) A/C, which made dancing more fun and enjoyable.

September came fast, and now we are off to an amazing start… BDS is now offering classes in TAP, JAZZ, HIP HOP and MUSICAL THEATRE. Please check the schedule and Facebook page for regular updates, news and info. We are still accepting registrations, space available in Saturday classes, also new classes are being added to the schedule…


Street shoes are not permitted in the studio. Everyone must take their shoes off and place their shoes on the shoe rack, located beside the entrance. This is the only way we can keep our studio clean and safe for dancing. Please help keep dirt, grit, sand and wet puddles on rainy days off and away from the studio. Also Ballet Shoes should not be worn as street shoes, these shoes are specially designed for dancing and they’re made for dance floors. Please help us teach our future dancers to respect their dance attire. Thank you kindly for your cooperation…

~ FEES ~

All students are required to bring post-dated cheques. This secures your child’s spot and also helps office administration run smoother. NSF cheques are subject to a $45 charge.

~ NEW This Year ~

*  Adult TAP Classes, taught by Kerry Jackson

*  YOGA classes, taught by Donna Poulidis from Prana-Fitness.

*  KINDERMUSIK – taught by Nadia Christie

Contact BDS for more info and schedule or drop by 2495 Queen st.


Looking forward to a wonderful dance year!  Please do not hesitate to contact BDS by Tel., Text or e-mail.  THANK YOU.