Dear Parents and Students,
Here are a few reminders;
Due to high traffic during beginning and end of classes, parents are encouraged to leave their strollers outside of the studio. It is important for our dancers who are in class to not lose their focus due to noise level in the waiting area. If you are going to be late, please contact the school. Also please let us know who will be picking up your child.
Street shoes are not permitted in the studio (both floors). Everyone must take their shoes off and place their shoes in the shoe cubby, located beside the entrance. This is the only way we can keep our studio clean and safe for dancing. Please help keep dirt, grit, sand and wet puddles on rainy days off and away from our dance school. Also Ballet Shoes should not be worn as street shoes, these shoes are specially designed for dancing and they’re made for dance floors. Please help us teach our future dancers to respect their dance attire. Thank you kindly for your cooperation…
All students are required to bring post-dated cheques. This secures your child’s spot for the whole year and also helps office administration run smoother. NSF cheques are subject to a $45 charge. Registration fees are non refundable.
BELLYDANCING – Tuesdays 1:30pm (Ms. Taroub)
~ Monday @ 8:15pm (Astrid)
~ Tuesdays @ 7:15pm (Eileen)
~ Wednesday @ 9:15am (Astrid)
~Thursdays @ 7:45pm (Eileen)
~ Friday @ 9:15am (Astrid)
~ Beginner BALLET Monday @ 6:45pm (Ms.Sue)
~ Advanced BALLET Sundays @ 10:15am (Ms.Sue)
~ TAP – Sundays 12:15pm (Ms. Kerry)
~ TANGO – Sundays 3pm (Ann & Ash)
Contact BDS for more info and reserve your spot early!
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions. 416 897 9750